All Lesaffre online websites

To build Lesaffre corporate image and help customers know the products and services and communicate them in a timely manner, Lesaffre China launches series of practical and interactive portal websites: logo-lesaffre

Official Website of Lesaffre China. Know everything about Lesaffre China. exploreyeast_logo_en

Lesaffre Yeast School. Find all knowledge about yeast here, an welcome to explore the big world of small yeast. logo6

Official Website of Saf-instant under Lesaffre. Explore Saf-instant history, and kick off Saf-instant journey. logo_paneo金色

Website of Saf-instant Club. Follow Lesaffre bakers to learn the household baking skill, and share your personal recipes. logo1

Official Website of Danbaoli Brand under Lesaffre, including brand spirit, gallery of full series, and news, etc. logo-danbaoli-blog

Danbaoli Flour Blog, where there are different kinds of flour recipes, and welcome to share your personal experience.