Highly Active Dry Yeast for Alcohol Making (for normal temperature)

Highly Active Dry Yeast for Alcohol Making (for normal temperature)

In 1985 Danbaoli became the first Chinese manufacturer of highly active dry yeast. Living the persistence of high quality, innovation and professionalism, Danbaoli is committed to natural, stable and safe products.

  • Fermentation temperature: 32~34°C; the liquor yield ratio is still normal when it’s above 36°C.


Product advantages: Purity, good reproductivity, working ability without impact of acid or alcohol, fast fermentation, high yield of alcohol.

Applicability:Production of ethanol, hard liquor, yellow wine and fruit wine using starch or sugar as material.

Recommended usage amount: 0.2~1.5% for hard liquor production base on solid-state fermentation;
as for liquid hard liquor and ethanol production, the amount is determined by use pattern and fermentation method, generally 0.02~0.1%.

Based on strictly sterilized container:
– 38~40°C for rehydration (the time shall be limited in 10~15 minutes if running water is used for rehydration).
– Solid-state fermentation: rehydration solution with 20~50 times of brewing yeast and 2~4% white or brown sugar; 38~40°C for rehydration, 15 minutes; 28~32°C for activation, not more than 60 minutes.
– For liquid hard liquor or ethanol: rehydration solution, which consists of 5-8Bx diluted sweet mash with 20~50 times of brewing yeast; 38~40°C for rehydration, 15 minutes; 28~32°C for activation, not more than 180 minutes.

Usage pattern: Rehydration and activation are necessary when brewing yeast is used.

Packing: 500g × 20 parcels/box 5kg×2 parcels /box

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place. The bag shall be sealed and refrigerated if all are not consumed.